Silvia Galli    Curriculum Vitae

Job objective

I am a dentist with extensive experience in basic research and I am looking forward to work part-time as a general dentist in a clinic that offers a wide range of treatments, where I can develop my clinical knowledge, with the long-term goal of becoming a specialist in dentistry.

Current profession

Research Fellow in biomaterials at the Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Odontology, Malm▒ University, Sweden

August 2012 - current

▒ position granted by the Marie Curie Initial Training Network, European Union Seventh Framework, MagnIM, (, REA n▒ agreement No 289163): ▒Tailored biodegradable magnesium implant materials▒;
▒ PhD studies at the Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Odontology, Malm▒ University, Sweden; ▒ Title of PhD thesis ▒On the effect of magnesium-incorporated into biomaterials for bone regeneration▒.

Professional experiences

Leader of the project ▒Bone architecture and mineralization degree around novel resorbable magnesium implants: extracting high-quality 3D information▒ at the imaging beamline P05, PETRA III, synchrotron facility DESY, Hamburg, Germany, proposal n. I-20130475 EC. December 2013 (10 days)
Research project on oral implantology at the Department of Biomaterials, Sahlgrenska Academy, G▒teborg University.

April 2011 - March 2012 (12 months); under the supervision of professor Tomas Albrektsson.

Master thesis - University of Modena

Spring 2010 - summer 2010

▒ Title: Evaluation of biological effects of implant insertion torque. Study in the sheep.

Clinical training in the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department - University Hospital, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy

Fall 2008 - Summer 2010

Dental practice with special focus on Conservative Dentistry and Orthodontics - Private Dental Clinic ▒Ferrari Marchesi Dottori Associati▒, Fall 2010 - Spring 2011


Universit▒ degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia

Fall 2005 - summer 2010

Master degree in DENTISTRY AND DENTAL PROSTHETICS (D.M.270/04) - Graduated with honors 110/110 (Magna cum laude).

Course: ▒Management of the post-extractive site for implant purposes▒ - Leonardo Trombelli, DDS, Associate Professor, University of Ferrara, Italy

1-day course - Spring 2010

Course: ▒Oral hygiene in the patient with advanced periodontal disease - Theoretical and practical approach▒ - Antonella Labriola, DDS Italy 6 - days course - Summer 2009

Key skills and experiences

Material Science

▒ Experience in the design and development of biomaterials acquired through active collaboration with the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, G▒teborg, Sweden, and the Magnesium Innovation Center (MagIC), HZG, Germany.
▒ Material and surface characterization by means of white light optical interferometry, atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive spectroscopy;
▒ Participation in 2 workshops on Material Science (1 week each):
▒ ▒Material science I▒, Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, KUL, Belgium
▒ ▒Material Science II▒, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Czech Republic; Basic of cell colture and in vitro methods for biomaterials testing:
▒ Training in the cell culture techniques and in vitro methods at the department of Structural Research on Macromolecules, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany, for 3 weeks.

In vivo methods for biomaterials investigation:

▒ Certfied for Laboratory Animal Science for Researcher from Lund University, in accordance with FELASA (Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations) recommendations;
▒ Experience in the use of rodents, lagomorphs and sheep for the testing of biomaterials;
▒ Participation in the workshop ▒In vivo testing of biocompatibility and biomechanics▒ at the Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria;
▒ Focus on biomechanical methods for biomaterial testing during the course ▒Basic Biomechanics and Biomechanical Methods for Experimental Research of the Musculoskeletal System▒, taken at the Institute of Orthopaedic Research and Biomechanics, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany.

X-ray imaging techniques with synchrotron radiations:

▒ Acquired knowledge on the use of synchrotron radiations during the autumn school ▒Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science▒, held by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, in Ammersbek and Hamburg, Germany, during fall 2013;
▒ Awarded of 10 days of beam time at the PETRA III, DESY synchrotron facility, Hamburg, Germany, for the microtomography of bone-implant samples (proposal n. I-20130475 EC);
▒ Experienced in 3D reconstruction, visualisation and analysis of microtomography data with Amira and Avizo (FEI Visualisation Science Group, Burlington, USA) and VGStudio Max (Volume Graphic GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany).

Basic of product development, standardisation and regulatory process for biomaterials production:

▒ Completed the course ▒Biomaterials - from idea to market▒ given by BIOSUM Interdisciplinary research school in biomaterials, G▒teborg, Sweden;
▒ Trained on the basic regulatory demands of the product development process in biomaterials, the studies to plan and when to involve the process parameters.


▒ Experience at private dental practice and University dental Clinic in Modena, Italy.


▒ Tutoring of 3 undergraduate students during their master thesis and of 1 research fellow for 1-year project


Certificate of merit (Certificato di Benemerenza)- University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

International research fellowship 2010 - Italian Society of Osseointegrated Implantology (SIO)

Granted an award of 15.000 ▒ to lead a research project at the Department of Biomaterial, Sahlgrenska Academy, G▒teborg University, under the supervision of Professor Tomas Albrektsson.

TePe Stipendiet 2014

F▒r fr▒mjande av odontologisk forskning f▒r projekt ▒Re-osseointegration of exposed implant surfaces decontaminated with heat-treated shell powder▒.


1. Toia M, Galli S, Cecchinato D, Wennerber A, Jimbo R.   Clinical evidence of OsseoSpeed EV implants: a retrospective study and characterization of the newly introduced system. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent, 2015, Accepted.

2. Cecchinato F, Karlsson J, Ferroni L, Gardin C, Galli S, Wennerber A, Zavan B, Andersson M, Jimbo R.   Osteogenic potential of human adipose-derived stromal cells on 3-dimensional mesoporous TiO2 coating with magnesium impregnation. Mater Sci Eng C, 2015, jul 52: 225-234.

3. Jimbo R, Naito Y, Galli S, Berner S, Dard M, Wennerberg A.   Biomechanical and histomorphometrical evaluation of TiZr alloy implants: an in vivo study in the rabbit. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 2015, [Epub Ahead of Printing]

4. Marchesi S, Ferrari C, Superbi S, Jimbo R, Galli S.   Modfied protocol of the intraoral welding technique for immediate implant-supported rehabilitation of the edentulous maxilla. Implant Dent. 2015 Feb;24(1):110-6. doi: 10.1097/ID.0000000000000189.

5. Galli S, Jimbo R, Tovar N, Yoo D, Anchieta R, Yamaguchi, Coelho PG.   The effect of osteotomy dimension on osseointegration to resorbable media treated implants: a study in the sheep. Journal of Biomaterials Applications 2014; doi:10.1177/ 0885328214553958.

6. Galli S, Naito Y, Karlsson J, He W, Miyamoto I, Xue Y, Andersson M, Mustafa K, Wennerberg A, Jimbo R.   Local release of magnesium from mesoporous TiO2 coatings stimulates the peri-implant expression of osteogenic markers and improves osteoconductivity in vivo. Acta Biomaterialia 2014; 10: 5193-5201; doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2014.08.011.

7. Galli S, Naito Y, Karlsson J, He W, Andersson M, Wennerberg A, Jimbo R.   Osteoconductive Potential of Mesoporous Titania Implant Surfaces Loaded with Magnesium: An Experimental Study in the Rabbit. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 2014; doi: 10.1111/cid.12211. [Epub ahead of print].

8. Naito Y, Terukina T, Galli S, Kozai Y, Vandeweghe S, Tagami T, Ozeki T, Ichikawa T, Coehlo PG, Jimbo R.   The effect of simvastatin-loaded polymeric microspheres in a criticalsize bone defect in the rabbit calvaria. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2014; 461: 157-162. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2013.11.046.

9. Galli S, Jimbo R, Andersson M, Bryington M, Albrektsson T.   Surface characterization and clinical review of commercially available implants. Implant dentistry 2013; 22(5): 507-518 ahead of printing. doi: 10.1097/ID. 0b013e318294308f.

10. Consolo U, Travaglini D, Todisco M, Trisi P, Galli S.   Histologic and biomechanical evaluation of the effects of implant insertion torque on peri-implant bone healing. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2013; 24 (3): 860-865, doi 10.1097/SCS.0b013e31827ca3cf

11. Miyahara T, Dahlin C, Galli S, Nyan M, Koizumi H, Kasugai S.   A novel dual material mouth guard for patients with dental implant. Dental Traumatology 2013; 29: 303▒306; doi: 10.1111/j. 1600-9657.2012.01171.x.

12. Wennerberg A, Galli S, Albrektsson T.   Current knowledge about the hydrophilic and nanostructured SLActive surface. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dentistry 2011, 3:59-67. doi: 10.2147/ CCIDEN.S15949.

13. Comandini C, Dotti A, Travaglini D, Galli S, Consolo U.   Localized ridge augmentation with chin grafts: 8 years follow up. Abstract MINERVA STOMATOLOGICA April 2010; 59: Supplement 1; 4: 404.

14. Galli S, Dotti A, Travaglini D, Bandieri A, Consolo U.   Use of narrow diameter implants in the rehabilitation of edentulous jaws - A literature review. Abstract MINERVA STOMATOLOGICA April 2010; 59: Supplement 1; 4: 17.

15. Galli S, Natali A, Berzaghi A, Bortolini A, Consolo U.   Hygienic maintenance of the patient with removable denture. [Article in Italian] PROtech 2009;3:95-106.

Conference Proceedings

6th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals
Maratea, Italy, 24-29th August 2014,
SHORT ORAL PRESENTATION: Osseointegration of resorbable magnesium screws ▒ a SR▒CT study Abstract available in European Cells and Materials, Vol. 28. Suppl. 3, 2014 (page 64).

Undergraduate course in Dentistry
University of Studies of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy, 13th November 2013,
22nd European Academy of Osseointegration (EAO),
Dublin, 17-19th October 2013,
SHORT ORAL COMMUNICATION: Physically adsorbed magnesium ions on mesoporous titanium surfaces enhance osseointegration.
Abstract available in Clinical Oral Implants Research 2013; 24 (9) 27-47

Doctoral Student▒s day 2013
University of Malm▒ and University of Copenhagen,
Malm▒, 2nd October 2013
TALK - On the osteoconductive potentials of magnesium incorporated biomaterials for bone regeneration

XX International Italian Society of Osseointegration (SIO) Congress
Milan, 27-28th January 2012
TALK - On Dentsply (Friadent) Implant System - Experimental Results and Clinical Review



▒ Italian (native language)
▒ English (fluent)
▒ French and Swedish (conversation level)


Further references available upon request.